How to Prepare for Your Most Productive Custom Window Treatments Consultation

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At the end of our consultation, the clients will be satisfied that we have addressed all facets of the space they wish to transform. Discussions will include color scheme, style of treatments, what type of treatments would work best in the space given the architecture of the room, as well as privacy and light control issues. In other words, we would have a solid plan in which to move forward.

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Consultations are the first step when moving towards your desire for beautiful window treatments. At the first meeting we will take complete measurements of windows, pictures of each window to use later in renderings, discuss colors and style. Once those things are complete we then move to the fun stuff. Choosing fabrics, trims and hardware!!

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A productive consultation can make a whole project move more smoothly and efficiently. It is your time to make known your desires for the space so that your finished product be exactly what you want. This is the time to ask all the questions you have and acquire all the advice you need so that you move forward with confidence that the process easy and the outcome perfect.  There are several things you can do to make most of our time together at that first meeting. Below are several tips to get your started.

1. Goals for Your Space

Be sure to know how you plan to use the space. Knowing your goals for the area is the most important first step toward achieving them. For example, will it be used solely for a movie or game room that will need blackout treatments on the windows so that there is not a glare on the TV screen. Or do you need a shade that will allow light though yet still provide some privacy in a master bedroom closet.

2. Know Your Budget

Before the consultation be sure to share with your window treatment specialist what your budge is. This is so important as the offerings of hardware, fabrics, trims, and hard treatments vary greatly in price.  Knowing those parameters ahead of time means you won't be shown items that are way out of price range. Labor for some treatments is more than others simply because they take additional hand sewing or more customized applications. Consider what you want to achieve in the space and what you want to spend to make your goal with the space a reality. Do a little research also to make sure you understand what custom furnishings cost.

3. Declutter the Area

Please declutter the space properly before the consultation. Leave furniture where it will be used once the window treatments are installed. That way we can see what we have to work with so that we can offer the best suggestions for treatments that are cohesive and impactful.

4. Have Other Furnishings Present

Pull all the elements you wish to use in the space together and have those ready for the consult. Items such as furniture you want to incorporate in the final design, paint swatches if you are going to paint the room, inspiration photos of window treatments you love, photos of styles of window treatments you find appealing. All these pieces will help the overall design to come together.

5. Explore Your Aesthetic Preferences

Explore and know what styles you prefer and share these with us before the meeting. That way we can pull hardware and fabric choices that will help facilitate you in making in decisions. We can also offer on-point suggestions that you may love but have not considered.

6. Know Your Process for Decisions

Have discussions with all those who will be using the room or have a say in the budget about what process you wish to follow when working with a professional to provide custom furnishings. Do this in advance of the meeting and have all those decision makers present. Decisiveness is critical to an efficient consultation. Decisions will need to be made in order to proceed with the project and not having all parties present slows down the process considerably.

7. Get Ready for a Positive Experience

Because we want to make the most of our time together, we suggest eliminating distractions so that we can be in the moment and focused. Place your phones in airplane mode, consider childcare if you have young children, etc. We want this time to be as positive and efficient as possible.

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One of our favorite times with our clients is the first consult. We love seeing your home and figuring out a plan as to how we can help make it more inviting and beautiful for you to enjoy for years to come. And we greatly appreciate the time you are willing to spend with us!

Haven't scheduled your consultation yet? There's no time like the present! Reach out to us and we'd be delighted to help.

Until next time,


Amanda Smith